What Future for Venice?


A few months apart, Venice has lived through two dramas that have brought it to its knees. On November 12, 2019, a phenomenon of Aqua Alta of a historical level strikes the city of Doges, causing terrible damages to its secular heritage. A few months later, in the spring of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic pushes the authorities to close the city, causing a sudden and lasting halt to mass tourism, on which the city had become economically dependent. After these two major traumas, the Venetians are questioning the future of their city and are mobilized more than ever to save their jewel from rising waters, but also to invent a new form of tourism, less invasive and more sustainable. They are restorers, craftsmen, fishermen, heritage managers, or tourism professionals, and are fighting to invent the new future of the city of the Doges. Since its foundation 1600 years ago, the Serenissima has always been resilient and wishes to make from these events a chance to be reborn stronger.

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